Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Our 4th graders had a fantastic day of learning at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  By far, the highlight of our day was the Mythbusters Explosive Exhibition.

Students participated in many activities.  Ask your child about what they saw and learned!

Mythbusters -= E

Mythbusters - B

Mythbusters - D



Mythbusters - C













We concluded our time at “Mythbusters” with a LIVE experiment.  We were measuring the reaction time of Kira Roberts and myself (Natalie Boyd).  I was surprised when I found out that my reaction time to sound was the quickest.  This meant that I would react to the sound of a paint ball releasing and try to “dodge the paintball”.

Mythbusters - H

We learned that you cannot “dodge a bullet” but your 4th grade teacher might be able to “dodge a paintball”.  Fortunately, I was able to do it for the kids!  They were proud.

Myth with frame








What a fantastic day of learning!!!

Mythbusters - II

Kids in frame

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