Author Archives: Mrs. Boyd

Sharing Learning with Younger Students

Our 4th grade students have completed an in-depth Earth Systems unit including choosing independent projects. We are very proud of our 4th grade students who recently shared their projects with kindergarten learners. We found that our young kindergarten students asked … Continue reading

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Global Climate Strike

Global climate change is something we discuss regularly with students. Fortunately, our world currently has a young hero and activist Greta Thunberg. She is a true inspiration for our students to recognize they too have a voice and they can … Continue reading

Posted in Science, Social Studies, Visual Arts | Leave a comment

Waves: Engineering Communication Signals

During our Waves and Information Transfer Unit, students were given the challenge to find a problem at school and find a solution through creating a communication signal. All signals had to include light waves or sound waves. Students used circuits … Continue reading

Posted in Science | Leave a comment

Student Created Medieval Times Festival

After weeks of research, dreaming and design, our students created a Medieval Times Festival for the entire school to attend. During a whole day event, various students and teachers at our K-12 school stopped by the festival to be transported … Continue reading

Posted in Drama, Music, Social Studies, Visual Arts | Leave a comment

Geometry: Pattern Block Art

After several weeks of studying angle measurement, geometric shapes and concepts, our students became mathematical artists. Students were encouraged to explore the pattern blocks and imagine the art within the various shapes. Next, students committed to a design, carefully traced … Continue reading

Posted in Math, Visual Arts | Leave a comment

Nonfiction: Natural Disaster Magazines

After a four week process of studying nonfiction text features and conducting research, our students completed their Natural Disaster Magazines and shared with 1st grade students. The first steps were to fully understand the various nonfiction text features. These concepts … Continue reading

Posted in Literacy, Science, Social Studies | Leave a comment

“Book Talks” Celebrate Reading

A few of our students were selected to share “Book Talks” on stage, at the elementary assembly this Friday. A Book Talk is similar to a movie trailer for a book. The goal is to share basic plot and character … Continue reading

Posted in Drama, Literacy | Leave a comment

Playground Geometry Review

After our Rube Goldberg Science Unit, our students have studied angles and geometry in real life, and it was time to review our Math learning on the playground. Students began by identifying all of their geometry vocabulary words on the … Continue reading

Posted in Math, Physical Education | Leave a comment

Dance for Health

Our 2nd and 4th grade students have been busy moving in P.E. class. Both of these grades have studied dance and movement. After a few weeks of practicing, these two grade levels came together at the assembly before a live … Continue reading

Posted in Drama, Music, Physical Education | Leave a comment

Lightning Museum

Our visit to the Lightning Museum was great. Students were able to explore their energy learning and make new science discoveries. Many students learned new vocabulary words and expanded their science concepts. Students even experimented with static electricity. Some were … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trip, Science | Leave a comment