The gift of Literature

Due to the recent increase of toys being brought to school, we have recently had a classroom discussion.  As a classroom community, students decided on a new classroom policy.  That being said, from now on, any toys brought to school and removed from backpacks distracting friends from learning will be donated to kids that do not have toys.

Leading up to our break, students have a focus on the skill of comparing and contrasting literature.  We incorporated holiday fun through using different historical versions of the story, Twas the Night Before Christmas, as well as more modern versions, such as a Pirate’s Night Before Christmas.  Students discussed the main idea of these stories while also comparing and contrasting the details.

During our large break from school, please continue to support your student and encourage a time to read each day.  Students have special journals to reinforce a time for writing during the break as well.

Lastly, if your family does not yet share a winter tradition with a special book or story, I would recommend beginning a seasonal tradition of reading something special each year.  Have a wonderful time resting and being together as a family.

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